Vi har fått disse to kartene fra Ukraina. Kampene foregår nå i øst og sør. Donbass omfatter de to fylkene Luhansk og Donetsk, og noe mer. Ukraina har 44 millioner innbyggere.
Where the new offensive is
Most of you have seen on the news or read on the internet that Putin’s new offensive is in the Eastern part of Ukraine, sometimes referred to as the “Donbas Region or Oblyast”. In reality it extends much further than this. He is wanting to take territory all the way from Kharkiv down to Mariupol and across up to Mickolaiv and across over to Odesa, thus making Ukraine a land locked country and taking about 1/3 of the country.
Below are two maps – one showing all of Ukraine with many of the city names – the one below it shows where Russia currently has control, is fighting now and where they plan to go. If you imagine putting the one over the other, it gives you a good view of where and what Putin is determined to do before May 9th ( (Victory Day).
Hopefully this will give you a good idea of the cities to pray for!