Midt i ruinene der døden har hersket på en så grufull måte skyter nytt liv opp.
Fra samarbeidspartner Nita Hanson:
» – New life springing up in the midst of destruction – a wonderful symbol of hope –
We were all so sure that we would know more after the May 9 Victory Day, but it turned out to be anti-climatic. Putin didn’t really tell anything new, but thank the Lord he did not declare war (as you know he calls it a special military operation – sure couldn’t tell by Ukraine that it isn’t a war!).
Today our Vadim, along with several other vans (they are calling it a caravan) are traveling to Chernihiv to take much needed aid donated by the Mennonite Church. While there Vadim plans to scope out the surrounding villages also so we can plan a return trip to take additional aid. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have some pictures for you.
I am so proud of Ukraine as I am reading of more and more efforts to begin rebuilding Ukraine even while the war is still going on! Hundreds of volunteers across Ukraine are helping to remove all the rubble while still others (builders and architects) are drawing up plans for new buildings. Ukrainians are not waiting until it is all over – they have begun! Such heart – such courage! In Bucha, the city where so many horrors have been documented, they have already reopened some businesses, including a local market. Picture below:
In Kharkiv which is still being shelled daily, this is what one woman wrote who is helping plant what you see below:
“Continued shelling in Kharkiv has done little to deter the volunteers. Tulips have been planted throughout downtown, and city workers are cutting the grass in hard-hit neighbourhoods. In front of the city’s destroyed regional administration building, Valentina Orlova, 73, hurriedly plants yellow pansies. It is around noon, and the work needs to be done by 2pm.”
“That’s when the shelling usually starts, so we need to finish quickly to get home,” she says.
Please continue praying for wisdom for me as I am yearning to return to Ukraine. I am hoping and praying that we will know more in the next couple of weeks. The good news is that Russia is not having much success and Ukraine is even taking back places that were Russian held! Both sides are suffering terrible losses in this senseless war.
Pray that farmers will be able to plant their crops – we understand that many of the farm fields were mined by the Russians. And I’m sure many of you heard the news that Russia has stolen a huge amount of the wheat stored for shipment to the world and has even destroyed some big grain storage silos. This has major consequences for the whole world and many are worried about famine in parts of the world because of what Russia is doing.
Lots to petition God for! I’m sure thankful that He isn’t ever short of what is needed and that He is merciful, hearing the cries of the helpless and our pleas for this to end.
More tomorrow! Thanks and more thanks to all of you who make it possible for us to help feed the hungry and comfort the grieving.
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